Crispies/Texturised Products
Derived from: rice, maize, wheat, barley, rye
Cracriz gives chocolate products lightness, increases their volume and thus lowers their calorie content. These crispies make chocolate pleasantly light and crunchy. As a cost-reducing ingredient they form the ideal basis for slab chocolate containing puffed rice, chocolate bars, dragees, crispy/crunchy fillings, coatings, spreads and other chocolate specialities.
When used in the production of biscuits, Cracriz gives biscuits a “double texture”. Its small grain size enables it to be easily mixed in at the end of the kneading process. These volume-boosting crispies are also frequently used to refine toppings or chocolate coatings.
Given their variety of textures, shapes, flavours and density, these crispies made from rice, wheat, maize, barley and rye are a popular ingredient in cereal bars. In the case of mueslis, they blend with a range of very different recipes. Their nutrient content, volume and wide variety provide attractive opportunities for developing innovative, premium-quality products.
Properties- Wheat-based crispies
- Sizes range from 1 to 16 mm
- Available in a wide range of shapes (round, oblong, lenticular, rings, stars etc.)
- Gluten-free as well
- With dietary fibre, proteins
- Savoury versions (tomato, carrot etc.)
- Different textures (biscuit-like, wafer-like, melting, crunchy)

Given they are crunchy and light, Cracriz products are the ideal basis for clusters, for example with honey, sugar, almonds or hazelnuts. The same applies to ice cream, yoghurts and other dairy products. Irrespective of whether in natural or coated form, Cracriz does an excellent job in chocolate coatings, as a topping or sugar-coated insert.
- Cracriz
- Clusters,
- inserts,
- lightness and crunch in chocolate,
- toppings,
- volume and crunchiness for mueslis and cereal bars,
- additional texture for biscuits
- Also available in gluten-free GMO-free
Do you have the technical facilities to process Cracriz in in the shapes and sizes you require? We are very happy to advise you.