Texturised Faba Bean Protein

Texta Fève

Derived from: French field beans
Be it to bind water, as a texturiser or to lighten formed meat products   Texta Fève is versatile.

This texturised product made from field beans has a protein percentage of either 65 % or 72 % and can be easily soaked in cold or warm water. It binds up to three parts of water and in a swollen state achieves a meat-like texture. Texta Fève is available in grain sizes ranging from 2 to 5 mm and has a beige to light brown colour.

  • Meat-like texture
  • Good water-binding capabilit
  • Available in a choice of 65 % and 72 % content
  • Beige to brown in colour
Texturised faba bean protein


  • Texta Fève
  • Meat products,
  • minced meat products (Bolognese sauce, lasagne, hamburgers),
  • meat extender,
  • vegetarian and vegan products
  •  GMO-free     Gluten-free     Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Are you interested in other ingredients for use as meat substitutes? Just get in touch with us!